On Nov 20, 2012, at 10:22 PM, Eluze wrote:

> Phil Burfitt wrote
>> Hi,
>> I have just upgraded from version 2.13.17 to 2.17.7.
>> Has the behaviour of \hspace changed in any way? It does not seem to act 
>> upon negative values anymore.
>> example:
>> \markup {
>>    \override #'(circle-padding . 0.55)
>>    \fontsize #-2.5 { "tune " \circle 3 \hspace #-2 "to f #" }
>> }
>> now leaves a large space between the circled "3" and the following "to f
>> #" 
>> which in ver. 2.13.17 I could reduce with a negative \hspace.
> obviously it disappeared with version 2.15.7, but I don't know the reasons 
> forwarded this question to the bug-list:
> http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/negative-values-for-hspace-don-t-work-anymore-td136610.html
> thanks for your report!
> Eluze

Thanks! I wondered if it was just me or if I was doing something wrong.
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