Am 18.11.2012 16:51, schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer:
On 2012-11-18 16:42, Marc Hohl wrote:
Check the output in the log file and correct the error.
That was too fast, I think.
Nope, that's exactly the problem.
The file compiles fine on my machine, the log on the console says:
warning: already have a beam
\clef treble bes16 d f aes bes [ c ]
[ d g ] fis, a c d e a d a |
Nothing about over-/underfull bars which are mostly the cause of
unbroken lines
running out of the page boundaries.
In this case, the beams are the problem: the [ is placed one note too
early, so it messes up the beaming and makes lilypond think that a
beam is still going on. Line breaks during beams are disallowed.
Ah, ok, thanks for the explanation!
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