On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 12:41 AM, Adam Spiers
<lilypond-u...@adamspiers.org> wrote:
> On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 7:15 PM, FireTight <fireti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> my name is Jiri "FireTight" Szabo and I would like to introduce program
>> ly2video to you. This program can generate videos from your LilyPond
>> projects that contains moving music staff, which is synchronized to music (
>> http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL444F0513202699C4&feature=view_all
>> examples ). If you are interested, you can download it
>> http://code.google.com/p/ly2video/downloads/detail?name=ly2video_v1.0.zip
>> here . I hope you will enjoy it! :)
> This is fantastic!!  Two questions:
> 1. Please can you make the source code available as a git repository,
>    so that everyone can collaborate on development?

Whilst waiting for Jiri to reply, I have made a friendly fork here:


If he has existing revision control history, we can easily rebase my commits
on top of that when he gets a chance to publish his.

I am hacking on Linux support in the 'linux' branch:


although this is not stable and liable to be rebased several times
for the time being.  If anyone else wants to collaborate on this,
please let me know and I'll stop rebasing.

> 2. I have a video of myself performing some music for which I have a
>    Lilypond transcription.  I would like to edit this video so that it
>    also contains a moving music staff similar to this one:
>      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC5mfm2C-ZI
>    Can you suggest the easiest way to achieve this?  If that's
>    difficult, then it would be good enough to have the vertical line
>    scroll rather than the staff, or even have no vertical line at all.
>    But either way, I really want to have the bottom half of the video
>    frame showing a dynamically updating "window" into an endless
>    one-system layout.

I'm currently thinking that the easiest way might be to use a NLE
video editor to compose the two videos, using my sound track, and
manually tweaking the tempo in Lilypond for the spots where it drifts
out of sync.

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