Hi David,

This is a very help description. Maybe you could describe for me: I see
both the box duration as a spacer duration and the line duration as
"extender length," in what seem to be unitless units.

Here is an addition -- although I'm not sure if it's an improvement -- that
might be important in some cases: It seems that it would be helpful to
describe the line length of the arrow in terms of spacers if possible, to
more easily describe the duration occupied by the entire frame construct.
Likewise, I would like to be able to draw a bracket over the frame's
graphic duration, with a note duration or series of tied durations above
the bracket, centered, to indicate the duration of the frame clearly. I
don't know how this would work; maybe it would be possible to use a bracket
spanner and then enter durations?

thank you for your help,

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 4:58 AM, David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Ben,
> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 8:46 PM, SoundsFromSound
> <soundsfromso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm trying to wrap my head around the frameEngraver4 and can't quite
> grasp
> > the syntax and how to customize the code to suit my needs.
> >
> > Is there a guide or cheat-sheet that explains how to use frameEngraver to
> > it's fullest potential?  I feel like it's a bit over my head and I feel
> lost
> > when trying to make sense of it.
> >
> > Thanks for any feedback.
> >
> Well, there's no guide or cheat-sheet, but I can give you a brief run
> through--which amounts to what you see in the example at the bottom.
> Basically,  you include the engraver as I do in the \layout block..
> Then, you surround the notes in your frame with \frameStart and
> \frameEnd.  You control the length of the line-with-arrow by
> overriding the property 'extender-length.  This line unfortunately
> won't cross a bar line unless you override the barline's X-extent to
> '(+inf.0 . -inf.0) -- i.e., so it has no X-extent at all.  (This is
> one of the issues I'll have to look into.)
> There's not much customization that's possible at the moment.  It
> would be relatively easy to add a property to control the height of
> the extender-line relative to the box (right now it's always
> centered), and I'll see about doing that.  I'll need to add a
> provision for controlling the width of the box.  The implementation
> here is pretty rudimentary--just designed to get something working.
> As I say, I'll need to look at some scores to see the kinds of
> customizations which are desirable.  If you have any ideas, please let
> me know.
> Most of what's in this file (anything above the example) might be
> tucked away into a file which you include to cut down on the mess.
> Hope this is helpful--
> David
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Jeff Treviño
PhD Candidate in Music Composition
@ the University of California, San Diego
Skype: jeffreytrevino
E-mail: jeffrey.trev...@gmail.com
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