Hi there,

Three trill questions for you experts:

1) I'm having trouble spanning some notes with a trill spanner when the
first spanned note has a bass clef mark attached and the trill spanner has
a specified pitch in parentheses --

When my staff looks like,

\new Staff {
    \clef "bass"
    c'1 ~ \startTrillSpan b'
    c'1 \stopTrillSpan

, I get a "b" whole note followed by a "c" whole note, without a trill. But
when my staff looks like,

\new Staff {
    c'1 ~ \startTrillSpan b'
    c'1 \stopTrillSpan

, everything seems to be working fine. What am I doing wrong here?

2) How can I parenthesize my specified pitch by every notehead in a tie
chain, if my trill spanner spans multiple noteheads? The current output
puts the parenthesized notehead at the first notehead only.

3) How can I get the trill spanner to draw the squiggly line to the right
through the full spatial duration of the note? Should I use proportional
notation? Or maybe I can set something to do this like I can with full
tuplet bracket width?

baffled as usual,

Jeff Treviño
PhD Candidate in Music Composition
@ the University of California, San Diego
Skype: jeffreytrevino
E-mail: jeffrey.trev...@gmail.com
9310H Redwood Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037
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