2012/11/11 Stjepan Horvat <zvanste...@gmail.com>:
> I reed somewhere that git isn't intended for binary packages..

Humans are not intended for tracking per-line changes on binary files,
either. Git can do it, for example people adds videos to git repos,
but it is not of great help except that you can mix binaries with all
else and git is agnostic to the difference.

> and i transcribed (by ear) many scores i don't have rights for..
> how do you handle this kind of staff..
> What are the laws related to such situations?!

I think copyright laws are clear, regardless of whether you
transcribed it by ear or photocopied it, you can not publish material
you don't own the rights of.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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