Am 07.11.2012 10:55, schrieb Jan Nieuwenhuizen:
> Francisco Vila writes:
>> 2012/11/7 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>:
>>> Well, doesn't that depend a bit upon how they are produced?
>>> We don't want to ship anything (binaries, PDFs, Gonville fonts,
>>> etc). without sources, and we also don't want to add build dependencies
>>> on, say, libreoffice?
>> But we could link to the various existing contributed cheatsheets.
> Yes...should I have mentioned that of course we'd rather ship the
> sources if that's feasible?
> Jan

The question what counts as sources and how and if to manage it with
git, I can not answer.

I can explain how I made it, so that could probably make things clearer:
I have no script to produce it (it needed far too much fine tuning to do
it with a LilyPond source file - at least I would not be able to).
It is done with inkscape, copying objects from a LilyPond file with
backend=svg. So only free software is used, but it  can not so easily be
updated to newer versions of LilyPond and would have to be maintained
The size of the svg is about 600kB (so a bit big for git, if you ask
me). This includes the LilyPond logo which is already more than 100kB (I
realize now that it is not correctly attributed).

If I can provide more information or files, please just ask.


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