David Kastrup writes:

> I usually try to remember when pushing changes to do one
> git commit --amend
> for the sake of adding "Issue xxxx: " in front of the commit message.  I
> don't think many other bother, and my own success rate is probably below
> 70%.

Yes, that's quite nice.  I like that a lot from debbugs and their
changelogs.  What would really help is two nice two-way integrations:
of Git with the bug tracker and of the bug tracker with email.

The stanza: ".*[.] Fixe #n." automaticcaly closes issue #n, adding
the commit message to the tracker.  In the tracker, every closed
bug has a direct link, automagically, to the commit.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond http://lilypond.org
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