2012/11/6 Antonio Soler <solem.tempe...@gmail.com>:
> Hi.
> I'm typesetting in Lilypond v2.16 a piece where a spanned double barline
> appear immediately after a non-spanned barline. Is there a way to replicate
> this kind of notation in Lilypond? I tried with a bar with very short skip
> (s32), then adding the double barline, but the gap between two barlines is
> too large for my needs.
> Here is a example of the result i want to achieve (made with other notation
> tool and a image editor)
> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47673640/barlines%20-%20example.png
> Thanks in advance.
> A.
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Hi Antonio,

a good reason to use "2.17.6".

I see no chance to do what you want with 2.16.0 (with reasonable
effort), but it's very easy using 2.17.6:

\version "2.17.6"

\defineBarLine ":|.||" #'(":|.||" #f "   ||")

m = \relative c'' {
        g4 a b c
        \bar ":|.||"
        \bar "|."

\new StaffGroup <<
  \new Staff \m
  \new Staff \m


<<attachment: atest-15.preview.png>>

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