Is it possible to adjust the padding/vertical spacing between the final
line of a multi-stanza hymn and the TB staff in an SATB choir reduction?

I am aware of some solutions that use hard-coded values (i.e., assuming a
set number of stanzas), but as this is intended as the basis for a template
for anywhere from 1–16 verses, those are unusable in this case.

An image of the whitespace in question may be found here:

\score {
  \new Staff
      \clef "treble"
      \new Voice = "S" { \voiceOne g'2 g'4 fis' e' d' g'2 a' b' }
      \new Voice = "A" { \voiceTwo d'2 d'4 d'4 b b b2 d' d' }

      \new Lyrics \lyricsto S { \set stanza = #" 1. " All peo -- ple that
on earth do dwell, }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto S { \set stanza = #" 2. " Know that the Lord is
God in -- deed; }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto S { \set stanza = #" 3. " O en -- ter then his
gates with praise; }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto S { \set stanza = #" 4. " For why? the Lord our
God is good; }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto S { \set stanza = #" 5. " To Fa -- ther, Son,
and Ho -- ly Ghost, }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto S { \set stanza = #" * " Praise God, from whom
all bless -- ings flow; }

  \new Staff
      \clef "bass"
      \new Voice = "T" { \voiceOne b2 b4 a g fis g2 fis g }
      \new Voice = "B" { \voiceTwo g2 g4 d e b, e2 d g, }
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