On 31 oct. 2012, at 20:27, Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com> wrote:

> Hello,  I'm trying to increase the overall size of a given staff, as 
> described in the docs[1] using:
>   \new Staff \with {
>     fontSize = #2
>     \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep 2)
>     \override NoteHead #'before-line-breaking = \TwinNoteNoteHeads
>   }
> But I'm also using custom note head shapes, with an override that references 
> a scheme function  that alters the NoteHead stencil and stem-attachment 
> properties.  
> That is preventing the resizing of the note heads.  They just stay the same 
> as the rest of the staff, stems, clefs, etc, become larger.  (This may be 
> related to using "before-line-breaking", but I need to use that to get the 
> horizontal spacing to work properly.[2] )
> I have tried various things (including putting the size adjustments in the 
> \layout block [3]) and the only thing I've found that will change the size of 
> the noteheads is using set-global-staff-size [3].  But that also increases 
> the size of all the text (lyrics, chord names, titles, etc), when I just want 
> to increase the size of the staff, not the text.  
> Anyone know how to get this to work?  Any advice or pointers would be greatly 
> appreciated.  I realize that this is non-standard stuff, but LilyPond has 
> been amazing at handling whatever I've thrown at it, making it possible to 
> experiment.  A simplified version of my code is below.
> Thanks!
> -Paul
> [1] http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.15/Documentation/learning/size-of-objects
> [2] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2012-04/msg00145.html
> [3] 
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/user/lilypond/Setting-the-staff-size
Hey Paul,

It'll take a few steps to sort through the problem, but one thing I'd recommend 
is rewriting all your stencils using internal lilypond code.  Embedded PS, 
while useable, is a pain in terms of variables - it requires lots of messy 
string manipulation and makes your code unexportable to SVG.

Check out the path stencil (used to make the eyeglasses markup, for example) - 
everything you're doing can be rewritten in the same spirit.  Then, to resize 
it dynamically, just make certain things in the path stencil variables instead 
of hardcoded values.


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