On 2012-10-27 01:39, Thomas Morley wrote:
2012/10/27 Mike Blackstock <blackstock.m...@gmail.com>:
There are a few things on Mutopia I would like to upgrade, one of which is
version 1.7
I visited http://download.linuxaudio.org/lilypond/binaries/ and the earliest
version there is 2.8.8, from 2006. I'm guessing that it will convert
versions back to somewhere around version 2.0.
Is that about right? Anything before 2.0 is more-or-less non-convertible?
Thanks for any confirmations/additional info.
Hi Mike,
you could try to install an old version to be found here:
I recently tried to compile 2.6.x trying to do some research, but I failed.
Actually, if you just want to convert an old file and use it with a new
lilypond version, you don't need to install any old version. convert-ly
has conversion rules running back to 0.x versions of lilypond. So you
can just take the convert-ly of your current 2.14 or 2.16 installation.
Now, that doesn't mean that all required changes can be done
automatically by convert-ly, but at least it will do all that can be
done, and usually tell you about what you need to manually do.
So I suppose, you'll still need quite some time to manually adjust what
cannot be cone automatically.
Reinhold Kainhofer, reinh...@kainhofer.com, http://www.kainhofer.com
* Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
* http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/, DVR: 0005886
* Edition Kainhofer, Music Publisher, http://www.edition-kainhofer.com
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