Dear all,

I'd like to create a scheme function with one ly:music argument which does the following: insert the music expression at the current place and display the source code (ie the argument passed to the function) verbatim above the respective place in the score.
And I need to use that in a ChordNames context.

Thus, I'd like to have the following:

        \new ChordNames {
                \chordmode{  \fn{ c1:7.5+ } \fn{ c1:maj7.9 }  }

should produce something like

c1:7.5+    c1:maj7.9
C7(#5)   | Cmaj9

Just passing the music expression is easy:

fn = #(define-music-function (parser location myChord) (ly:music?)

Is it possible to add a markup part to display myChord verbatim?

Thanks in advance!

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