Hi Helge,

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:58 PM, Helge Kruse <helge.kr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do you  have any idea how to combine the two multi-rest bar counts in a
> piano staff?
> Helge
> 2012/10/17 Helge Kruse <helge.kr...@gmx.net>
>> When playing in an orchestra it's important to count rests. To make this
>> tasks easier you can write numbers into rest measures.
>> Especially for a piano staff it gives a calm picture when the empty space
>> between the staves is used. The attached picture shows this starting at
>> Allegretto. Further it would be good to have the number of multi-measure
>> rests between the staves.
>> How can I write _one_ multi measure rest number in piano staff between the
>> staff lines?

This is the topic of a recent thread, which you might find helpful:

>> How can I add a counter starting at a measure n and counting to measure
>> n+x? This should not be the current bar number but an arbitrary counter. If
>> this is not supported, how can I place the counter numbers to the middle of
>> the piano staff?

There is a measure counter currently in the review process, so
hopefully at some point it will make it into the code base.  In the
meantime, you can find a version of this code which can be included in
your .ly file in the discussion of that issue. See the file attached
to comment #21 at
http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2445 .  Understand
that this version might cause problems if you're running a batch of
files (which won't happen with the version that's in the review
process.) The engraver could be added to a Dynamics context, or you
could put it in one of the Staff contexts and adjust the positioning.

Hope this helps.

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