Hi Daniel,

Here is one possible solution. The first \set permits the display of
measure numbers over barlines in the middle of bars, and the second formats
the bar numbers with parentheses. A few variables you can tweak for
displaying bar numbers are listed at

\version "2.16.0"

\relative c' { \time 4/4 \repeat volta 2 {  c d e }
       \once \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(lambda (bar-number
measure-position) #t)
       \once \set Score.barNumberFormatter =
       #(lambda (bar-number measure-position alternative-number extra)
                   (markup (string-append "(" (number->string bar-number)
       \break f | g a b } \paper { ragged-right = ##t }

Hope that helps!

Mark Witmer

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 8:52 PM, Daniel Rosen <drose...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The piece I'm working on has a repeat that ends in the middle of a
> measure, with a line break at the same point:
> \version "2.16.0"
> \relative c' { \time 4/4 \repeat volta 2 {  c d e } \break f | g a b }
> \paper { ragged-right = ##t }
> I would like to have a bar number, perhaps in parentheses, at the
> beginning of the second line, as in this example (sorry for the poor image
> quality): http://j.mp/QyEsTT. How can I make this happen? I've been
> combing through the list archives to no avail.
> DR
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