On 12 oct. 2012, at 17:27, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> Is there a way to force lilypond to evaluate the repeated music each
>> time?
> No.
>> Should I write my own repeat function?
> Won't help as arguments are evaluated before a function is being called.
> The best you can do is writing a function that does not receive a music
> expression but rather a music function as its argument and then
> repeatedly call it.  Or just let randomNote take a count as argument.
>> Or is the only way is really to have a scheme function returning a
>> list of notes?
> That's easier.
> -- 
> David Kastrup


Ok, I feel that creating the notes using standard lilypond notation then 
randomize them would be a more flexible approach.

1) creates the notes with a custom property (or may be I could use an existing 
one, but I did not see a place for such custom use, or I could use \tag but I 
would prefer not to get in the way of other features) 
2) once the music is parsed, call a transform function which will enumerate the 
events and replace or alter the marked notes.

Can I add arbitrary properties to an event?
Would this work (I think so)? Is it safe? pertinent?

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