On Oct 12, 2012, at 4:41 PM, Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 04:38:13PM -0500, Tim McNamara wrote:
>> Well, yes.  The Reply-To header is set so that replies go to the
>> sender rather than the list, so one must "reply all" to include
>> the list which results in some people getting two copies of the
>> e-mail- one from the sender and one from the mailing list.
> This is only true if you enable the "send me multiple copies" in
> your mailing list preferences.  I recommend turning that off so
> that you only get one copy of each email.

Interesting!  This is an option previously unknown to me.  I don't recall ever 
setting any mailing list  preferences or seeing anywhere to have that option.  
Not sure how that would work, since one e-mail is sent direct and the other 
from the Lilypond list server.  Does the list server detect whether the To: 
header was set to a list member?

>> My solution is to reply by trying to remember to replace the individual's 
>> e-mail address with the list's e-mail address, thereby resulting in only one 
>> message going to the individual.  I find this less confusing to me when I am 
>> the recipient.
> Nah, just hit "reply all" and let the receipients decide whether
> they want 1 or 2 emails.  I don't know why anybody would want to
> get 2 emails, but that's their choice.

I agree with that, but I get 'em since I was not aware there is a choice.
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