On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 9:13 PM, Christopher R. Maden <cr...@maden.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 10/09/2012 03:08 PM, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:
>> I have searched the manuals and on-line for a solution to my
>> problem. I am using Word 2010 (wrong?) to write the input file.
>> Word allows only a .doc extension. Lilypond seems to recognize only
>> the .ly extension. What program should I be using to write/edit the
>> input file?
> LilyPond requires a plain-text file as input.  In MS Word, you can
> Save As: plain text, but Word is really not a very good plain-text editor.

That's an euphemism to say the least :P
MS Word is really bad for editing plain text files.
(some people even say that Word isn't very good at anything)

> A simple editor available under Windows is Notepad.  There are better
> editors available, which provide things like syntax highlighting and
> shortcuts for LilyPond commands; you can download Emacs, Eclipse, or
> Frescobaldi (which is a LilyPond-specific GUI editor).

Since Mark was using Word till now, i strongly recommend him *not* to
start by trying Emacs and Eclipse.  Marc, Frescobaldi seems perfect in
my opinion.  Good luck and don't hesitate to ask if you have any more


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