Hi. This may seem simple to some, but I am having some difficulty with
this. I would like to have Lilypond produce blank sheet music with a
grand staff. I found the attached code, but cannot figure out how to add
the bass clef. Any help is appreciated. Also I am getting an error
message as well. Thanks!
/Best wishes (In Christ), /
/Philip (Michael) Dykes /
\layout{ indent = #0 }
emptymusic = {
\repeat unfold 2 % Change this for more lines.
{ s1\break }
\bar "|."
\new Score \with {
\override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
% un-comment this line if desired
% \override Clef #'transparent = ##t
defaultBarType = #""
\remove Bar_number_engraver
} <<
% modify these to get the staves you want
\new GrandStaff <<
\new StaffGroup \emptymusic
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