I want to write a scheme function that doubles a note such that the pitch
(let's call it 'x') is retained, but the respective durations are such that
{x8.. x32} is displayed.
Since \displayMusic{ c'8.. c'32 } outputs this:

My attempt based wholly on the Lilypond Scheme docs is as follows:

However, I get this error upon compiling:

Also, in the part of the error which says

 (#<Duration 32 > . #<Duration 4 >)

the 4 changes based on the argument to the \myfunc function; i.e. \myfunc
c128 would result in (with snipping, of course):

 (#<Duration 32 > . #<Duration 128 >)

What am I doing wrong? Can someone point out my (evidently conceptual)
error(s) here, and show me in the direction of how to fix it? Thanks
in advance.
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