2012/9/28 Oscar Dub <oscar...@gmail.com>:
> The scheme required is a lot clearer to me now and works exactly as I
> wanted. I really appreciate the advice.

Glad to hear that.


> Looking at the code being referred to, the issue seems to be with the
> eps->stencil function. Trying with other .eps files from different sources
> results in the same problem. Does anyone have any ideas why this isn't
> turning out the way I hoped?
> Oscar

Hi Oscar,

well, I sometimes heard complaints about not working eps-files.

I guess (but I'm really no expert with it) that it depends on _how_
the .eps is created.

At least

mrkp =
\markup {
  \epsfile #X #4 #"note.eps"

using the attached file works, with the code posted in my earlier mail.


Attachment: note.eps
Description: PostScript document

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