
It seems to make sense to use \quoteDuring instead of cut-and-paste when 
two like instruments are playing unison for a period of time.  I am trying 
to use \tags and partcombine and \quoteDuring to create music which can be 
used to partcombine for the score but write out separate parts.  The 
following code is close but says "Solo" where I would want it to say 
"a2" in the score.  I would want Solo or "1." where the 2nd voice has rests.

Can this be done?  This should be a common need.

TIA for any ideas,

Paul Scott

\version "2.17.3"

timing = { \time 4/4 s1*2 }
instOne = \relative c'' { a1 b } 
\addQuote qpi \instOne 
pi = << \timing \instOne >>
instTwo = \relative c'' { 
  \tag #'score { R1 }  
  \tag #'part { \quoteDuring qpi s1 } 

  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new Staff \instOne 
    \new Staff \new Voice \keepWithTag #'part \instTwo 
    \new Staff \partcombine \pi \keepWithTag #'score \instTwo 

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