Gilles <> writes:

> Le Sat, 22 Sep 2012 14:44:19 +0200, Gilles <> a
> écrit:
>>> I am trying to code a piece with voices that use the same
>>> rhythmical fragment over and over again. [..]
>> Perhaps this one :
> Oh to bad. When i send my message, i had no answers from anybody to
> the initial message... Sorry
> I answer to all messages at one time :
>   > I get a whole set of errors
> At the end of the snippet, there is a link "here", to download the
> *last* version of the snippet. Old versions don't work with Lilypond
> 2.16.
> Well, i must admit that i didn't test \changePitch with 2.17
>   > applyRhythm = #(define-music-function [...]
> The code given by David is an example for all of conciseness, but has
> some limitations
Every code has limitations.  The limitations of this example were
matched to the specs.

>   1- Doesn't work with chords
>         melody = \relative c { a <d f> g f e b} % error
>   2- All articulations in melody will be ignored
>         melody = \relative c { a\p d-> g( f e) b} will gave the same
> result than
>         melody = \relative c { a d g f e b}
>   3- You cannot have rests in the patterns
>         so you cannot have a pattern like :
>         rhythm = { c8 r8 r8. c16 }

Reality check: the given template used _spacer_ rests to specify the
rhythm.  If I had copied the given melody into _spacer_ rests, the
output would not have been particularly impressive.

At any rate, a version with specs similar to what you now consider
missing has also been recently discussed and posted on the list IIRC.

David Kastrup

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