On 22 sept. 2012, at 12:33, TaoCG <tao_lilypondu...@gmx.net> wrote:

> I need to typeset a glissando from e-flat to e and I'd like it to look as if
> it'd go upward, right now the line is straight and not actually visible
> because it collides with the staff line.
> I suppose the property to edit is normalized-endpoints but changing it
> didn't seem to have any effect.

You need :
\override Glissando #'left-bound-info #'Y
\override Glissando #'right-bound-info #'Y

To use the precomputed values with a bit of an offset, you can override 
left-bound-info and right-bound-info without the Y, extract the Y info, play 
around with it to suit your fancy, and return a new alist containing the 
tweaked Y values.

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