
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 8:50 AM, Vaughan McAlley <vaug...@mcalley.net.au> wrote:

> I appreciate the difference between sharps & flats more than many
> musicians, but even I would introduce an enharmonic change rather than
> use a key signature with a double-flat, if only to save time at
> rehearsal:
> “Where‘s the B flat?”
> I explain there’s a B double-flat, and the key is F flat major.
> “Why didn’t you write E major?”
> ...to which I wouldn’t have a good answer, and wouldn’t be able to
> explain to anyone even if I did :-)


Here's an example of a modulation from A-flat major to F-flat major,
but mercifully Schumann has spelled the new key as E major.  It's
"Widmung," the first song at this link:


(Another example of this same key relationship with enharmonically
spelled F-flat major would be #6 here:



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