Hello everyone,

In a score I'm preparing I'm using footnotes for some explanations. In
those cases it is clear from context which notes they refer to,
rendering the lines to the note heads they are attached to both
unnecessary and – to my eye – visually unpleasing. The documentation
led me to try
        \override FootnoteSpanner #'annotation-line = ##f
(with several variations), but the line is still there.

Maybe I've misunderstood how this is working and someone can point out
my mistake.

For clarity I've attached a snipped of the score both as it looks now
and edited to look like I want it to. Please don't mind the messy
positioning – I'mgoing to fix this afterwards.


PS: If that helps, I'm using 2.16.0.

homme, ni présence

<<attachment: footnote.png>>

<<attachment: footnote-wanted.png>>

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