Hi guys..it is an old post..but i got it working right now..so i want to
share it with you..

I made a script vim-lilypond.sh

FILENAME=`echo $1 | cut -d ":" -f 2`
LINE=`echo $1 | cut -d ":" -f 3`
CHAR=`echo $1 | cut -d ":" -f 4`
COLUMN=`echo $1 | cut -d ":" -f 5`
vim --servername lilypond --remote-silent "+call cursor($LINE, $CHAR+1)"

then i started vim with server called lilypond:

vim --servername lilypond file.ly

and in xpdf or epdfview changed the urlCommand to "~./vim-lilypond.sh %s"
or whereever you put it..

it also works with gvim..

what i didnt understand is how lilypond-invoke-editor works and what it is
what is the diference between LINE CHAR and COLUMN couse url comand has 3

..am happy...

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Rutger Hofman <rut...@cs.vu.nl> wrote:

> On 03/07/2012 11:09 AM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
>> On 03/07/2012 09:12 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
>>> Stjepan Horvat<zvanste...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>  On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 5:48 PM, David Kastrup<d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>>>> Stjepan Horvat<zvanste...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>>  Hello..can somebody please tell me how to get vim and a pdf viewer
>>>>>> (xpdf or evince of zathura) to work with vim lilypond-invoke-editor
>>>>>> function..i read everything that is on the web
>>>>> [snip]
>>> Have you set up your EDITOR environment variable? I quote:
>>> The program 'lilypond-invoke-editor' is a small helper program. It
>>> will invoke an editor for the special textedit URIs, and run a web
>>> browser for others. It tests the environment variable EDITOR for the
>>> following patterns,
>>> emacs
>>> this will invoke
>>> emacsclient --no-wait +line:column file
>>> gvim
>>> this will invoke
>>> gvim --remote +:line:normcolumn file
>>> nedit
>>> this will invoke
>>> nc -noask +line file'
>>> The environment variable LYEDITOR is used to override this. It
>>> contains the command line to start the editor, where %(file)s,
>>> %(column)s, %(line)s is replaced with the file, column and line
>>> respectively. The setting
>>> emacsclient --no-wait +%(line)s:%(column)s %(file)s
>>> for LYEDITOR is equivalent to the standard emacsclient invocation.
>>  From gvim's man page, I understand how one can position the cursor at
>> startup on a line (+line or +:line), but I do /not/ grasp how it is put
>> on a column. Indeed, gvim gives me an error if I follow the
>> lilypond-invoke-editor example: the +:line:column syntax is wrong.
> Oops, sorry, I was wrong here. I cut out the 'norm' thingy in my test.
> Wrong. It puts the cursor on the column. Sorry for the noise.
> Rutger
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Izreke 12:18*
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