On Mon, 03 Sep 2012 06:48:22 +0200 (CEST) Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote: > > > I found in the Regression Tests what I was looking for > > (glissando-broken-multiple.ly). It solves some points in my scores, > > that I was afraid not to code in LP. Really a wonderful job, > > especially for contemporary music. > > Can you suggest some index and documentation entries? > > > Werner
Dear Werner, you find attached 8 files: one .txt file containing seven documentation entries and seven .ly files for each entry. I tried to make examples for each different situation concerning glissando one can find in (contemporary) music. I "inspired" myself to other similar snippet in the Notation Reference and I used two snippets found in the regression tests. Please, feel free to change interpolate or ignore anything... and do not hesitate to contact me again if you need. Regards, TG
%{ Simple Glissando %} \version "2.16.0" \include "english.ly" % **************************************************************** % Start cut-&-pastable-section % **************************************************************** \relative c' { % **************************************************************** % ly snippet contents follows: % **************************************************************** f2\glissando a8 r4. % ascending glissando a2\glissando f8 r4. % descending glissando % **************************************************************** % end ly snippet % **************************************************************** }
%{ Skip Glissando with Dynamics %} \version "2.16.0" \include "english.ly" % **************************************************************** % Start cut-&-pastable-section % **************************************************************** \relative c' { % **************************************************************** % ly snippet contents follows: % **************************************************************** f4\glissando\< \override NoteColumn #'glissando-skip = ##t \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t a4\f\> \revert NoteColumn #'glissando-skip \revert NoteHead #'transparent a8\! r4. % **************************************************************** % end ly snippet % **************************************************************** }
%{ Skip Glissando %} \version "2.16.0" \include "english.ly" % **************************************************************** % Start cut-&-pastable-section % **************************************************************** \relative c' { % **************************************************************** % ly snippet contents follows: % **************************************************************** r8 f2\glissando a8 r4 r8 f8\glissando \override NoteColumn #'glissando-skip = ##t \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t g4 a8 \revert NoteColumn #'glissando-skip \revert NoteHead #'transparent a8 r4 % **************************************************************** % end ly snippet % **************************************************************** }
%{ Glissando across Bars %} \version "2.14.2" \include "english.ly" % **************************************************************** % Start cut-&-pastable-section % **************************************************************** \relative c' { % **************************************************************** % ly snippet contents follows: % **************************************************************** f1\glissando a8 r2.. f1\glissando \override NoteColumn #'glissando-skip = ##t \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t a2 \revert NoteColumn #'glissando-skip \revert NoteHead #'transparent a8 r4. % **************************************************************** % end ly snippet % **************************************************************** }
%{ Broken Glissando %} \version "2.16.0" \include "english.ly" % **************************************************************** % Start cut-&-pastable-section % **************************************************************** \relative c' { % **************************************************************** % ly snippet contents follows: % **************************************************************** \override Glissando #'breakable = ##t \override Glissando #'after-line-breaking = ##t f1\glissando \break a4 r2. f1\glissando \break \override NoteColumn #'glissando-skip = ##t \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t a2 \revert NoteColumn #'glissando-skip \revert NoteHead #'transparent a4 r4 % **************************************************************** % end ly snippet % **************************************************************** }
%{ Cross Staff Glissando %} \version "2.16.0" \include "english.ly" % **************************************************************** % Start cut-&-pastable-section % **************************************************************** \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "right" { e'''2\glissando \change Staff = "left" a,,\glissando \change Staff = "right" b''8 } \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass s1 s8 } >>
%{ Chord Glissando %} \version "2.16.0" \include "english.ly" % **************************************************************** % Start cut-&-pastable-section % **************************************************************** \paper { indent = 0\mm line-width = 160\mm % offset the left padding, also add 1mm as lilypond creates cropped % images with a little space on the right line-width = #(- line-width (* mm 3.000000) (* mm 1)) } \layout { } \relative c' { % **************************************************************** % ly snippet: % **************************************************************** c1 \glissando g' c,1 \glissando s1 g' <c, e>1 \glissando <g' b> <c, e>1 \glissando s1 <g' b> \set glissandoMap = #'((0 . 1) (1 . 0)) <c, g'>1 \glissando s1 <d a'> \set glissandoMap = #'((0 . 0) (0 . 1) (0 . 2)) c1 \glissando s1 <d f a> \set glissandoMap = #'((2 . 0) (1 . 0) (0 . 0)) <d f a>1 \glissando s1 c % **************************************************************** % end ly snippet % **************************************************************** }
#1 ENTRY *************************************************************************** A _glissando_ is created by attaching \glissando to a note EXAMPLE #1 #2 ENTRY *************************************************************************** The duration of a glissando can be splitted to place an expression mark at a certain point, which is indicated by a stem without notehead. This can be easily achieved in Lilypond inserting one note between the two endpoints of a glissando. The command: \override NoteColumn #'glissando-skip = ##t prevents the glissando to stop at the inserted note, whose notehead can be then hidden with \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t EXAMPLE #2 If the stem doesn't align well with the glissando, it may need repositioning. #3 ENTRY *************************************************************************** The same command can be used when a glissando starts and/or ends on the subdivision of a beat to specify the duration of the glissando in relation to the beats EXAMPLE #3 #4 ENTRY *************************************************************************** A glissando can occur across different bars EXAMPLE #4 #5 ENTRY *************************************************************************** The following command allows to break a glissando when it occurres over a line break \override Glissando #'breakable = ##t EXAMPLE #5 #6 ENTRY *************************************************************************** A glissando line can connect also notes across staves. EXAMPLE #6 #7 ENTRY *************************************************************************** A glissando can occur between chords or between a chord and one note. EXAMPLE #7
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