Dear David, off course,You are right. It's not better to write \aksak #13 #8 #'(3 3 3 2 2 ) instead of \time #'(4 3) 7/8 The problem was: I've been using the alsak-variable before this kind of syntax was possible and I've used it quite a lot. An update with convert-ly didn't work in my case. So, I'm happy, that I can use aksak as before, athough it isn't more conventient than the standard syntax for rthis cases.
> Dear community, > > in 2.14. I've been quite frequently using a special variable for > > compound meters. I would like to use it in the same way as before, but > > unfortunately it doesn't work in 2.16. > > How can I update it? > > > > %%%%%%%%% SNIP %%%%%%%%%%%% > > \version "2.16.0" > > aksak = #(define-music-function > > (parser layout zaehler nenner compound) (number? number? list?) > > #{ > > $(set-time-signature zaehler nenner compound) > > #}) > > > > \relative c' { > > \aksak #7 #8 #'(4 3) > > c8 d e f e d c > > } > > %%%%%%%%%% END %%%%%%%% > > Anything wrong with > > \time #'(4 3) 7/8 > > ? Of course you can still use and define > > aksak = #(define-music-function > (parser layout zaehler nenner compound) (number? number? list?) > #{ > \time #compound #(cons zaehler nenner) > #}) > > but it seems sort of pointless. convert-ly, by the way, is able to > convert the direct call of set-time-signature but balks on your use of > variables. > > -- > David Kastrup >
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