On Sep 2, 2012, at 2:27 AM, flup2 wrote:

> The correct command is, as indicated in the help page you linked :
> \override Staff.TimeSignature #'font-name = "..." 
> The "Staff." before TimeSignature was missing in your override. Now, it's
> working right on my side.
> Philippe

Sorry, I was probably being too concise.  :)  I have it inside a Staff block.

    \new Staff \with {
        \override TimeSignature #'style = ##f
        \override TimeSignature #'font-size = #5
        \override TimeSignature #'font-name = "Gloucester MT Extra Condensed"

Switching it to Times works, but Gloucester doesn't, even though Gloucester 
does work for title.

Ah well, it looks like there are plenty of other fonts I can use, that work for
time signature.  I guess I learned a lot about font behavior tonight.  :)


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