Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com> writes:

> Il 30/08/2012 08:10, David Kastrup ha scritto:
>>> Just add this in the \layout block:
>>> >
>>> >  \layout {
>>> >     \context {
>>> >       \Staff
>>> >       \override StringNumber #'transparent = ##t
>>> >     }
>>> >  }
>> It is better to do \override StringNumber #'stencil = ##f since that
>> does not reserve space for the string number (older LilyPond versions
>> might complain).
> Ok, thanks for the tip.
> So reserving space for a transparent object is not a wise choice (at
> least in this case) because that space may be useful for placing other
> objects (therefore possible collisions can be avoided).

The main offense in our regtests were ottava spanners pushed sky-high to
accommodate invisible string numbers.

David Kastrup

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