Hi, I am trying to make a decrescendo end in a subito dynamic for the next 
note.  Not sure how to make it align.  I found lots of examples online on how 
to shift over subito mf, but in my case they make the decrescendo too small.  
I'm not actually sure I'm going for the right solution here because I'm not 
100% sure what would be the best way to notate this.  Any suggestions?  Three 
tries appended below.

Thanks :)

\relative c'' {
        \time 3/4
        d2.\mf\> |
        a2-\markup{ \italic \tiny subito } d8\!\mf( e) |        
        d2.\mf\> |
        a2 d8\!-\markup{ \italic \tiny subito } \mf( e) |       

        d2.\mf\> |
        a2 d8\!-\markup{ \italic \tiny subito \dynamic mf}( e) |
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