> Lilypond still hangs periodically on OS X - whenever I do a
> backtrace, the last couple functions change from time to time but it
> is always in FreeType that the problem occurs:

Interesting.  I'm not aware of FreeType problems on Mac OS X.

> Perhaps the version of FreeType built and bundled w/ GUB for Mac OS
> X has a problem?

What version is used?  Since the FreeType API hasn't changed, it
should be easily possible to update to the latest version, 2.4.10.
Given that I regularly fix security issues, this might be a good idea
in general.

However, looking at your backtrace, the problem seems to happen in
FontConfig, not LilyPond, so updating to a recent version (2.10.1. is
the current) might help also.


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