No - I use a chordii-like approach for an earlier part of 
my process, but for this I want something that communicates 
song structure more specifically.

I was able to improve the template by pulling in some
suggestions from the "spoken-music" part of the docs.
I have to put the length of the first measure at the end
of the first line of lyrics.

It gets rid of the warnings and will let me use odd meters,
but I still have that unnecessary space at the end of every
measure.  Does anyone have any ideas?  New template
appended below the quoted material below.

On Aug 18, 2012, at 2:03 PM, Johan Vromans wrote:

> Curt Siffert <> writes:
>> Hi, as a songwriter that sings/plays, I often want to put together
>> rough lead sheets that communicate chords/lyrics/structure as a
>> memory aid, or to give to backup musicians.
> Aren't you looking for a tool like Chordii?
> -- Johan

\version "2.15.43"
\language "english"

chordSymbols = \chordmode {
        fs1:maj7 fs:maj7/e g:sus4 f e   

songLyrics = \lyricmode {
        "My small girl of five wants a"1
        "story good-night she likes"
        "kittens and pebbles and"
        "fairies asleep in the"

slash = {
        c4 c c c

        \new ChordNames { 
        \new Staff <<
                \time 4/4
                \new ImproVoice = "slash" \relative c' {
                        \repeat unfold 5 \slash 
        \new Lyrics \with {
                \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
        { \songLyrics }

\layout {
        \context {
                \name ImproVoice
                \type "Engraver_group"
                \consists "Note_heads_engraver"
                \consists "Rhythmic_column_engraver"
                \consists "Text_engraver"
                \consists Pitch_squash_engraver
                squashedPosition = #0
                \override NoteHead #'style = #'slash
                \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
                \alias Voice
        \context { 
                \accepts "ImproVoice"
        \context {
        \consists "Bar_engraver"
        \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver"
        \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t

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