>>>>> "David" == David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

    David> I found it interesting that its text input form does not even
    David> enter this story.  I find that quite often this is what makes
    David> a major difference to people (meaning that it is an important
    David> factor for either choosing, tolerating or rejecting
    David> LilyPond).

There's a Sibelius user who's contributed a lot to my current project
(unfortunately, via midi2ly) and I reported a transcription error by
emailing the lilypond code for both his and my transcriptions to him.
His response was:

    Xavier> I didn't know "lilypond" is encoded this way.

    Xavier> It reminds me of "note processor", the music notation
    Xavier> software that I used on DOS operated computers.

    Xavier> I actually found it less tiresome to use and faster than
    Xavier> "sibelius".

He's subsequently said that for his next project he'll try lilypond.

So there is a population that likes text input that we aren't reaching.

Laura   (mailto:lcon...@laymusic.org, twitter: @serpentplayer)
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
http://www.laymusic.org/ http://www.serpentpublications.org

After much pondering, I think I understand a basic reason why a glass
of something reviving is so welcome in the early evening.  Partly, of
course, it's just that, to revive, to relax, but it's also a
convenient way of becoming a slightly different person from your
daytime self, less methodical, less calculating -- however you put it,
somebody different, and the prospect of that has helped to make the
day tolerable.  And, conversely, it's not having that prospect that
makes the day look grim to the poor old ex-boozer, more than missing
the alcohol as such.  Changing for dinner used to be another way of
switching roles.  Coming home from work has a touch of the same

Writers haven't got that advantage -- when they finish work they're at
home already.  So perhaps they need that glass of gin extra badly.
Any excuse is better than none.

Kingsley Amis, _Every Day Drinking_

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