Dear Peter, I don't know what You want exactly, but maybee this can lead You to rhe right idea:
\version "2.14.2" music = { \repeat "unfold" 4 { <f''' c''' fis''>4 } } ledgers = { s4 \override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t } \new Staff { \context Voice << { \music} {\ledgers }>> } I have a score with many repeated beamed quavers and semi-quavers on ledger > lines. The default layout is difficult to read as ledger > lines and the staff produce an almost hypnotic effect which confuses the > reader. This resuluts in loss of concentration and rythmic > stumbles. I would like to space these beamed notes out to provide white > space between the notes. However all my attempts to make > changes (apart from set-global-staff-size) have failed even when the > syntax is accepted there is no change in the printed score. > > I am finding the syntax difficult to grasp so I hope this is not a trivial > problem that I should be able to solve for myself - any > help would be gratefully recieved. > > > regards > Peter Gentry >
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