Am 11.08.2012 17:52, schrieb Gabriel Taubman:
Hi Marc,
Thanks for the help! That looks a lot better but it still seems to have two problems:

You're welcome. Please reply to all so that others may have the possibility to join in the discussion.
1) The measures at the end of the line seem to have no final barline.
2) Measures still wrap around the line sometimes (see the final measures of the third line).

I'm attaching a ly file that exhibits this behavior. Do you have any suggestions for how to fix it?
Ok, my approach was too simple – I think that the "empty" bars, i.e. the
\stopStaff s4 \startStaff parts should never apper at the end of a line.

Without testing: what about defining

spacer = { \bar ":" \stopStaff s4 \startStaff \bar ":" }

and write/create

r8 e f[ e]
r8 e f[ e]


You can remove the

\override Staff.BarLine #'glyph-name = #my-calc-glyph-name

and the scheme-stuff I inserted.



Thanks so much for your help! I really appreciate it.


On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Marc Hohl < <>> wrote:

    Am 08.08.2012 17:30, schrieb Gabriel Taubman:

        Hi Ole,
        Thanks for the help! That looks like it almost does the trick.
        If I add more bars though, then sometimes it wraps a measure
        strangely. See attached.

        If I manually insert a \break, then that can fix it, but I was
        hoping to not need to manually insert breaks since this .ly
        files will be autogenerated. Do you have any ideas for how to
        get around that?

    Hi Gabriel,

    with the current bar line machanism, a workaround is a bit clumsy
    but doable.
    See the attached file, I hope, it serves your needs.



        Thanks again! I really appreciate the help.

        On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 10:48 AM, ole <
        <> <
        <>>> wrote:

        maybe this helps?


        [siehe angehängte Datei: stop&
        <>] [siehe angehängte Datei: Screenshot
        2012-08-08 um 16.47.50.jpg]

        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <>


        Am 08.08.2012 um 16:01 schrieb Gabe Taubman:

        > Hi Lilypond Folks!
        > I was wondering if anybody has tips for typesetting measures in
        the style of
        > Terry Riley's "In C" such as:
        > I think I can use cadenza mode to have the arbitrary number of
        beats per
        > measure, but I'm not sure how to break the measures apart
        like that.
        > Does anyone have any tips?
        > Thanks!
        > Gabe
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