In the Notation Reference, the first Snippet "Subdividing beams" of the
Section "1.2.4 Beams, Setting automatic beam behavior"

seems to me containing an error. This is the Snippet:

I believe that, according to the displayed music, the Code should look
like this:

%%%%%% START %%%%%%
\relative c'' {
  c32[ c c c c c c c]
  \set subdivideBeams = ##t
  c32[ c c c c c c c]

  % Set beam sub-group length to an eighth note
  \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
  \set beatStructure = #'(4 4 4 4)
  c32[ c c c c c c c]

  % Set beam sub-group length to a sixteenth note
  \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
  \set beatStructure = #'(2 2 2 2)
  c32[ c c c c c c c]
%%%%%% END %%%%%%

i.e. with the beatStructure for the third Beat set to (4 4 4 4) instead
of (2 2 2 2) as stated there. The opposite for the last Beat.
Am I misunderstanding the text or is there a Bug?

On the other hand, working on this code I noticed that, in order to
obtain the intended result, it's enough to set baseMoment and
that setting beatStructure has no influence on the result. Or am I also
here misunderstanding the code?


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