Hi there,
I'm a brand new user of Lilypond, just downloaded this morning! I'm using it to create more beautiful scores for my guitar and bass students. In the notation reference under section 2.4.1 Custom tablatures<http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/notation/common-notation-for-fretted-strings#custom-tablatures> there is an alternative clef used called "moderntab", which is a really nice clean sans-serif clef. I tried inserting the declaration just as it was in the code snippet, and it doesn't render in the pdf output! So I checked the log, and this is what I'm getting: *# -*-compilation-*-* *Processing `C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/raindance2.ly'* *Parsing...* *Interpreting music... [8]* *Preprocessing graphical objects...* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab_change' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab_change' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab' not found* *warning: clef `markup.moderntab' not found* *Finding the ideal number of pages...* *Fitting music on 1 page...* *Drawing systems...* *Layout output to `/Users/Ben/Desktop/raindance2.ps'...* *Converting to `/Users/Ben/Desktop/raindance2.pdf'...* *success: Compilation successfully completed* This is how I declared the staves (the variable "symbols" holds the musical notes): *\new StaffGroup <<* * \new Staff \symbols {* * \clef "bass_8"* * }* * \new TabStaff \symbols {* * \clef moderntab* * \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #bass-tuning* * }* *>>* Can anybody help me solve this novice's problem? Many thanks, -Ben
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