On 06/08/12 04:04, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
It is easy to see how these events could  help lilypond long-term, but
it's also easy for any response from us to be interpreted negatively.
Let the Sibelius users have their personal moment of pain/mourning; if
they need open-source music notation, they will certainly be able to
find us without our help.

I was not actually thinking primarily of bombarding mourning Sibelius users with publicity, which would clearly be unwelcome (neither piece of software supplies, yet, what Sibelius supplies).

Rather, I was thinking of LP and MuseScore approaching educational institutions and possibly also senior former members of Sibelius UK to try and develop something around the combination of (i) the spending that would otherwise have gone on Sibelius licence fees, (ii) the increasing drive for open source software in education, (iii) the drive for computer science education.

The opportunity here isn't primarily to get people using some particular piece of software but rather to get people to buy into a new way of funding and developing the cutting edge of music notation technology.

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