On 2012-08-02 17:33, and...@andis59.se wrote:
On 2012-08-02 17:18, Thomas Morley wrote:
2012/8/2 and...@andis59.se <and...@andis59.se>:
I'm using the scheme function \addFingering to add string numbers to a music
You could call the function below in \melody
(I named it \xy. You may want to change this uninspired term.) :)

xy =
\override StringNumber #'before-line-breaking =
   #(lambda (grob)
     (let* ((txt (ly:grob-property grob 'text))
            (frst (string-take txt 1))
            (other (string-drop txt 1))
            (fsize (ly:grob-property grob 'font-size))
(mrkp (markup (#:concat (frst #:fontsize (+ fsize 1.5) other)))))
     (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text mrkp)))

file attached.

It almost works like I want! It put a circle around the string number and since I sometimes use a number and sometimes a number + a letter, e.g. 6, 6A the circles will be of different size and that doesn't look good! So how do I get rid of the circles but still get the same size on the number and the letter?

// Anders

Ok, I have figured it out!
I'm using \addFingering but your function uses StringNumber!
Changed StringNumber to Fingering and everything is OK!

Thank you very much!

// Anders

English isn't my first language.
So any error or strangeness is due to the translation.
Please correct my English so that I may become better.

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