Graham Percival <> writes:

> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 04:52:29PM +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Graham Percival <> writes:
>> > Does anybody know if it's possible to rent a low-quality (say,
>> > 640x480) VGA projector for a weekend in Germany for any reasonable
>> > price?  assuming that David has any walls painted white, or maybe also
>> > renting a portable screen?
>> LCD projector is €10/day at the local video rental.  I guess that we'll
>> make use of that offer at least on some days.  It is necessary booking
>> ahead, though, but that should not be much of a problem.
> That low?  Seriously?  wow.  ok, that's covered.
> Ok, what else... you've mentioned "more people able to roll
> releases", which would be a fantastic way to increase our bus
> factor.  However, that would require serious horsepower, and
> you've only got six (according to the website).  I'm only bringing
> my netbook, and I know that your laptop can't handle it.  I
> suppose that I could leave my university desktop on and we could
> ssh into it (under supervision), but if anybody has a reasonably
> powerful desktop computer and doesn't mind bringing it, that would
> make the process _much_ easier.

I think we really need to get a dedicated net-accessible computer for
that at some point of time.

> I can bring a CD with the relevant downloads so that we don't need to
> download 600 MB+ on your rural internet connection[1].

> [1] which, in the US or Canada, would absolutely suck, but I now
> suspect is better than my connection in central Glasgow.

No idea.  It is 1Mbit/s DSL.  Not really enough for remote GUI sessions,
but I guess we'll be able to make it work for most purposes.

David Kastrup

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