On 26 July 2012 19:47, "Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger"
<kai.lautenschlae...@me.com> wrote:
> When I write text with several paragraphs, I noticed a different vertical
> spacing after the paragraphs, when they include semicolon (;) or "\""
> (quotation marks). This does not change when I try to control the spacing
> with \vspace. Am I missing something or is this expected behavior? Any
> suggestions how I can have equal vertical spacing between paragraphs. See
> the code below:
> \version "2.15.41"
> \markup {
> \column {
> \bold {
> Titel
> }
> \justify {
> Text with ; called semicolon
> } \vspace #0.1
> \justify {
> Text with no semicolon
> } \vspace #0.1
> \justify {
> Another text with ; semicolon
> } \vspace #0.1
> \justify {
> And again one without.
> } \vspace #0.1
> \justify {
> And "\"just" for presentation's "sake\"" a text with quotation marks.
> } \vspace #0.1
> \justify {
> Plain text again.
> } \vspace #0.1
> \justify {
> Plain rext
> \vspace #1
> }
> }


Just tried this with 2.14.2 on Ubuntu Linux 12.04 after, having
changed the required version number, the output looks OK to me, so it
may be a regression. Or is it a fine difference that I'm missing?


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