Ralph Palmer <palmer.r.vio...@gmail.com> writes:

> Greetings -
> I'm moving to a new computer, and, in the process, I'm moving from ly
> 2.14.1 to I'm running Ubuntu 12.04. 
> How do I update my .ily files? Convert-ly will take care of .ly, but
> will it also update .ily files?


> Also, I have a lot (for me) of .ly files in a complex (again, for me)
> file structure. Does anyone have a bash script that will run
> convert-ly against files in multiple directories, or at least
> penetrating to lower directories in the hierarchy?

scripts/auxiliar/update-with-convert-ly.sh contains the following:

### update .ly files
# don't look in . otherwise it'll find stuff in build/ !
find Documentation/ input/ ly/ -name out -prune -o -name 'out-*' -prune \
  -o \( -name '*.ly' -o -name '*.ily' \) -print \
  | xargs $BUILD_DIR/out/bin/convert-ly -e -d

which should be reasonably easy to adapt to your own directory
structure.  You'll like be able to omit the -name ... -prune -o
arguments and just use the rest.  Of course, putting a backup in a
separate directory hierarchy will make excellent sense.

David Kastrup

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