2012/7/14 "Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger" <kai.lautenschlae...@me.com>:
> Hi List,
> I want to add some information on the composer under the score. it should 
> have picture (xxx.eps) at the left and a justified text on the right with a 
> small white space between. Picture and text should be aligned at the top and 
> the the text should run along the picture. The following unwanted results I 
> had already:
> * Picture overlaid text, both aligned at the left border of page
> * Picture and first line of text at the wanted places, but the second line of 
> the text _under_ the picture with a lot of white space below the first line.
> * Picture at the right place and text justified but pushed to about the 
> middle of the page and consequently going over the edge of the page.
> my last try looked like this.
> \version "2.15.41"
> \markup { \vspace #10
>         \fill-line {
>                 \column {
>                         \general-align #Y #UP {
>                                 \epsfile #X #20 #"Louis_Lewandowski.eps"
>                         }
>                 } \hspace #1
>                 \column {
>                         \wordwrap {
>                                 \bold { Louis Lewandowski } (* 3. April 1821 
> in Wreschen, Provinz Posen, Preußen, heute Września, Polen. † 4. Februar 1894 
> in Berlin) war ein deutsch-jüdischer Komponist, der vor allem durch die 
> Neubelebung und Öffnung der jüdischen Liturgie bekannt wurde. \italic { (nach 
> Wikipedia. Stand: 12.7.2012) } }
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
> }
> what am I doing wrong? Is there a keyword, that I must search the manual with 
> in order to find more info on this?
> I hope the code example is explanatory even without the actual eps-file.
> best regards,
> Kai
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> lilypond-user@gnu.org
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you should set the line-width!

\markup {
        \column {
                \vspace #10
                \fill-line {
                        \column {
                                \general-align #Y #UP {
                                        \epsfile #X #20 #"Louis_Lewandowski.eps"
                        \column { \override #'(line-width . 60)
                                \wordwrap {
                                        \bold "Louis Lewandowski"
                                        (* 3. April 1821 in Wreschen,
Provinz Posen,
                                        Preußen, heute Września, Polen.
                                        † 4. Februar 1894 in Berlin) war ein
                                        deutsch-jüdischer Komponist,
der vor allem durch
                                        die Neubelebung und Öffnung
der jüdischen Liturgie
                                        bekannt wurde. \italic { (nach
Wikipedia. Stand: 12.7.2012) }

Note the additional \column at the beginning. Otherwise the image is
moved a little to the left.


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