> personally I have downloaded all the pdf documentation files into 1
> folder and then I can perform a search in the whole folder (with
> Acrobat Reader, but others do it, too) which delivers a list of all
> results.
> this is often more efficient than going through an internet search.

I think the quickest way to search the lilypond stuff is to use the
info files.  The tty program to read info files is `info', or if you
like a lynx-like, colourful interface, `pinfo'.  Both programs can
search for regular expressions, so looking for


would give you a result quickly.

Of course, the Emacs info file reader can do the same; if you are not
on a Unix like platform, this is probably the solution to go.

> in this case I was looking for "two side" (but I already knew it was
> something like this)

Maybe it would be helpful to add `two side' to the index...

> maybe there are better methods to search for something or the docs
> could be improved to ease the search for things like that (the
> indexes are helpful in certain cases, but not in all)

You can also try a google search on lilypond.org, restricted to a
certain lilypond version:

  site:lilypond.org/doc/v2.15 two side


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