Peter O'Doherty <> writes:

> Hi list,
> When using these two lines together
> #(set-accidental-style 'dodecaphonic) 
> \override Accidental #'hide-tied-accidental-after-break = ##t
> \override Accidental... cancels out the dodecaphonic command
> everywhere in the score.

If you are using a somewhat recent version of LilyPond, the problem more
likely is that you accidentally did not set the accidental style in the
first place.  Note that #(set-accidental-style 'dodecaphonic) written in
music does nothing: it calculates music expressions that set the
accidental style, then returns them as a Scheme value, and LilyPond
ignores Scheme in music by default (not so as an argument of a music
function, however).

You have to write $(set-accidental-style 'dodecaphonic) instead, or more

\accidentalStyle "dodecaphonic"

> Is there another way to avoid repeated accidentals on new staves but
> still keep the accidental style 'dodecaphonic?

I find that
  \accidentalStyle "dodecaphonic"
  \override Accidental #'hide-tied-accidental-after-break = ##t
  cis~ cis cis~ cis~ \break cis~ cis cis~ cis

works just like I would expect.

David Kastrup

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