On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 8:57 AM, m...@apollinemike.com
<m...@apollinemike.com> wrote:
> Couldn't agree more - LilyPond already has all of this.  Every score I've 
> created since 2008 does this in some way or another.  Four bars per system in 
> simple music?  No problem.
> form = {
>  \repeat unfold 4 { s1*4 \break }
> }
> music = {
>  \repeat unfold 64 a'4
> }
> << \music \form >>
> If you're not sure how long music is, you can write a music function to find 
> out and then automate the creating of the skips in form.

David Nalesnik already did this:

> I think the issue at this point is not LilyPond's lack of ability to do this 
> or that,
> but rather the lack of a vibrant cookbook culture like Python has.

I think you're right.


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