On 8 June 2012 07:44, Matthew Collett <m_coll...@ihug.co.nz> wrote:
> SICP does for computer programming what Linderholm's classic 'Mathematics 
> Made Difficult' does for arithmetic -- except that in this case the authors 
> are entirely serious.

It didn’t seem too scary to me, or at least the start of it...

As far as I can tell, Scheme seems to be a good language, but not
popular. But we musicians know that the relationship between ‘good’
and ‘popular’ is not simple. And Scheme is the language of Lilypond,
for better or worse. To work in Germany it’s easier to learn German
than to have everyone in Germany taught English.

Can anyone recommend a book or website for learning Scheme as it
currently exists in Lilypond? So that I won’t start using deprecated
features or whatever. I’m fluent in Lua (which I like a lot).


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