Hello everyone. I have witnessed a weird behaviour, and when I posted
it, some people that are way more expert than me with lilypond told me
that there are probably quite a few bugs hidden within the examples.
My main concern is with the failure of the stem up - stem down, but
the \bar at the beginning of the music is also problematic. Any
workarounds for the stem problem?

The following is right:

\version "2.14.2"
        \new PianoStaff
                \new Staff = "up"{
                \clef treble
                \new Voice = "upper"
                \autochange {
                \relative c' %If this becomes c' or lower, everything ok.
                              %as it is, it puts everything in the voice of
                        \bar "|:" bes4 c bes' c \bar ":|" d1 \bar "|."
                \new Staff = "down"{
                \clef bass
                \new Voice = "lower"
                \autochange {
                \relative c %this is of no consequence, really
                         bes4 c bes' c | d1

while this is messed up:

\version "2.14.2"
        \new PianoStaff
                \new Staff = "up"{
                \clef treble
                \new Voice = "upper"
                \autochange {
                \relative c'' %If this becomes c' or lower, everything ok.
                              %as it is, it puts everything in the voice of
                        \bar "|:" bes4 c bes' c \bar ":|" d1 \bar "|."
                \new Staff = "down"{
                \clef bass
                \new Voice = "lower"
                \autochange {
                \relative c' %this is of no consequence, really
                         bes4 c bes' c | d1

Sami - Vasileios Amiris

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